I've been designing and tweaking a rolling mill that I can make with available materials. The more I read about them the more I am praying that if it's the next step in the Lord's plan for this aspect of my life, I will stumble upon one, because I really don't know if I can do it on my own.
We were finally able to begin forging in the new shop! We forged a hammer with a striker in all of maybe 30 minutes, WAY faster than I've ever been able to myself. It's so nice to have other people to work with and help direct when your punch gets stuck in your block for three heats...
This will be the shop we'll be hosting classes and working on group projects in. The Lord has really brought me an incredible amount of blessing through the people I've met and the things I've learned. It's so awesome the way God has brought just the right people together in such an amazing way.
I've been illustrating and designing a poster for our local college that is starting a theatre/drama program. It's been really hard because I've never done anything like it, but it's teaching me an awful lot.
I am partnering with Andy Davis Metalworx to start offering Beginning Blacksmithing, Tool Making, and Coppersmithing classes this summer. You can get a hold of me on here to schedule or My Facebook Page and get a hold of me there. I will post pictures soon of some work and of our incredibly blessed workspace!